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Calathea Leuconeura

Calathea Leuconeura

Regular price Rs. 199.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00 Sale price Rs. 199.00
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Calathea leuconeura, commonly known as the Prayer Plant or Peacock Plant, is a captivating and popular tropical houseplant known for its stunning foliage and distinctive leaf movements. Here is a description of Calathea leuconeura:

Appearance: Calathea leuconeura is prized for its eye-catching leaves, which are the standout feature of this plant. The leaves are oval to lance-shaped and typically grow up to 6-12 inches (15-30 centimeters) in length. What makes them truly captivating is their unique patterning. The upper leaf surface is adorned with intricate, dark green to blackish-green markings that resemble feather patterns or peacock feathers, which is why it's sometimes called the "Peacock Plant." The undersides of the leaves are usually a rich purplish-red, creating a striking contrast.

Leaf Movements: One of the remarkable traits of Calathea leuconeura is its daily leaf movements. During the day, the leaves lie flat, displaying their vibrant upper patterns. As evening approaches, the leaves slowly fold upward, resembling hands in prayer, which is how the plant earned its common name "Prayer Plant." This movement is a natural response to changes in light and gives the plant a dynamic and interactive quality.

Size: This plant typically reaches a height of 12-24 inches (30-60 centimeters), with a similar spread. It remains relatively compact, making it suitable for tabletops or as part of a decorative arrangement.

Light Requirements: Calathea leuconeura thrives in bright, indirect light. It should be shielded from direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. Inadequate light can lead to duller leaf patterns and reduced leaf movements.

Watering: Maintaining consistently moist but not waterlogged soil is crucial for this plant's well-being. Water when the top inch (2.5 centimeters) of the soil feels dry to the touch. Ensure that the pot has good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots.

Humidity: Calathea leuconeura is native to tropical rainforests and thrives in high humidity. It benefits from regular misting or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase the humidity around it.

Temperature: Maintain a warm environment for your Calathea leuconeura, with temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Protect it from drafts and cold temperatures.

Maintenance: Pruning is minimal and mainly involves removing any dead or yellowing leaves. Fertilize sparingly during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer.

Propagation: Calathea leuconeura can be propagated through division. Carefully separate a healthy clump of stems and roots from the parent plant and repot it into its container.

Toxicity: Calathea leuconeura is non-toxic to humans and pets, making it a safe choice for households with animals or small children.

In summary, Calathea leuconeura, or the Prayer Plant, is a captivating and elegant houseplant renowned for its stunning foliage, unique leaf movements, and relatively low-maintenance care requirements. Its ability to interact with light and its visually striking appearance make it a sought-after addition to indoor plant collections.

3-6 hrs of direct sunlight

Place your plant where it has direct access to sunlight. Direct light is when the plant receives yellow sunlight beams for at least 4 to 5 hours in a day.

Water when topsoil is dry. Don't over water.

Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
Water when the topsoil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch..
Apply water probably in the morning or evening time.
Do not overwater the plant.
As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

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