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Calathea Zebrina

Calathea Zebrina

Regular price Rs. 300.00
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Calathea zebrina, also commonly known as the "Zebra Plant" or "Zebra-Striped Calathea," is a striking and highly prized tropical houseplant appreciated for its stunning foliage. This Calathea species belongs to the Marantaceae family and is native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil. Here's a description of the Calathea zebrina:

Appearance: Calathea zebrina is best known for its distinctively patterned leaves, which are the source of its common name. The leaves are elongated and lance-shaped, featuring bold, dark green stripes running lengthwise along the midrib, resembling zebra stripes. These green stripes are set against a lighter green background, creating an eye-catching and captivating appearance. The undersides of the leaves are often a deep purple or burgundy color, adding further visual interest. The leaf edges may have a reddish tint.

Habitat and Growing Conditions: In its native habitat, Calathea zebrina thrives in the warm, humid conditions of the tropical rainforest understory. When cultivated as a houseplant, it's essential to replicate these conditions as closely as possible for optimal growth:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight. Calathea zebrina prefers filtered or dappled sunlight and should be shielded from direct sun exposure, which can scorch the leaves. Avoid low-light conditions, as it can lead to less vibrant foliage.

  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. It's crucial to maintain evenly moist soil, as Calathea zebrina is sensitive to drying out or sitting in water. Water when the top inch or so of the soil begins to dry out.

  • Humidity: Maintain high humidity levels. These plants thrive in humidity, and you can achieve this by misting the plant regularly, using a humidity tray, or placing a humidifier nearby.

  • Temperature: Keep the plant in a warm environment, with temperatures ideally between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Avoid exposing it to drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

  • Soil: Use a well-draining, peat-based potting mix that retains moisture but doesn't become waterlogged.

Aesthetic Appeal: Calathea zebrina's striking foliage makes it a favorite among indoor plant enthusiasts. The bold zebra stripes, complemented by the contrasting undersides and reddish leaf edges, make it a visually captivating addition to any indoor plant collection. Its relatively compact size and upright growth habit also make it suitable for various spaces.

Maintenance: Calathea zebrina can be somewhat finicky and may benefit from regular care and attention. It is known for its "prayer plant" behavior, with its leaves folding upward in the evening and unfolding during the day. This behavior is entirely normal and adds to the plant's charm.

In summary, Calathea zebrina is a stunning tropical houseplant known for its distinctive zebra-striped foliage. With proper care and attention to its specific requirements, it can thrive as a beautiful and captivating addition to your indoor plant collection.

3-6 hrs of direct sunlight

Place your plant where it has direct access to sunlight. Direct light is when the plant receives yellow sunlight beams for at least 4 to 5 hours in a day.

Water when topsoil is dry. Don't over water.

Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
Water when the topsoil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch..
Apply water probably in the morning or evening time.
Do not overwater the plant.
As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

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