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Geranium (Any color)

Geranium (Any color)

Regular price Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 249.00 Sale price Rs. 149.00
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Geraniums, also known as Pelargoniums, are a popular group of flowering plants that are widely cultivated for their attractive blooms and aromatic foliage. Geraniums belong to the family Geraniaceae and are native to various regions around the world, including South Africa and the Mediterranean.

Geraniums are herbaceous perennials, although they are commonly grown as annuals in many regions. They come in a wide range of cultivars, each with its unique characteristics, flower colors, and growth habits. The most common types of Geraniums include zonal geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum), ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum), and scented geraniums (Pelargonium spp.).

The foliage of Geraniums is typically characterized by lobed or dissected leaves that are often slightly hairy. The leaves vary in shape and texture, depending on the specific cultivar. Some Geranium varieties have leaves with a distinct zonal pattern, featuring a darker zone or band in the center of each leaf.

Geraniums are best known for their vibrant and showy flowers, which come in a wide array of colors, including shades of red, pink, purple, white, and salmon. The flowers are usually composed of five petals and can be single or double blooms. The flower heads are held above the foliage on long stalks and are often arranged in clusters.

These plants are versatile and can be grown in various settings, including garden beds, borders, containers, hanging baskets, and window boxes. They are valued for their ability to provide continuous blooms throughout the growing season, adding splashes of color to outdoor spaces.

Geraniums are generally sun-loving plants that require at least six hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and flowering. However, some Geranium varieties can tolerate partial shade. They prefer well-draining soil that is moderately fertile and slightly acidic to neutral pH.

Proper watering is essential for Geraniums. They prefer to be kept evenly moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can result in wilting and diminished flower production. It is important to allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out before watering again.

Regular deadheading, which involves removing spent flowers, can encourage continuous blooming and prevent the plant from diverting energy into seed production. Pruning can also be done to maintain a compact and bushy shape, remove leggy growth, or rejuvenate the plant.

Geraniums are generally low-maintenance plants but can benefit from periodic fertilization during the growing season. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer formulated for flowering plants can be applied every four to six weeks, following the package instructions.

Overall, Geraniums are popular plants valued for their colorful flowers, attractive foliage, and versatility. With their long-lasting blooms and relatively easy care requirements, they are a favorite choice for both novice and experienced gardeners, adding beauty and charm to gardens, containers, and various outdoor settings.

3-6 hrs of direct sunlight

Place your plant where it has direct access to sunlight. Direct light is when the plant receives yellow sunlight beams for at least 4 to 5 hours in a day.

Water every day in the morning or evening

Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
Apply 3 cup (Approx. 150 ml) water when the top soil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch.
Apply water probably in the morning or evening time.
Do not overwater the plant.
As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

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