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Green Hoya cornosa in 6inch hanging pot

Green Hoya cornosa in 6inch hanging pot

Regular price Rs. 499.00
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Hoya carnosa, often referred to as the "Wax Plant" or simply "Hoya," is a popular and attractive houseplant known for its thick, waxy leaves and clusters of fragrant, star-shaped flowers. Here's a description of the Green Hoya carnosa:

Appearance: Hoya carnosa features thick, glossy, and succulent-like leaves that are typically deep green. The leaves are typically oval or heart-shaped and have a prominent, waxy texture that gives them a shiny appearance. The plant's vines can trail or climb, making it suitable for hanging baskets or trellises. As the plant matures, it can produce long cascading vines adorned with its charming foliage.

Habitat and Growing Conditions: Hoya carnosa is native to Southeast Asia and thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. When grown as a houseplant, it requires specific care conditions:

  • Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight. Hoya carnosa prefers plenty of indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.

  • Temperature: Keep the plant in a warm environment, ideally between 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C). Protect it from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

  • Watering: Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry out between waterings. Water the plant thoroughly but avoid letting it sit in standing water. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

  • Humidity: While Hoya carnosa can tolerate average indoor humidity levels, it tends to thrive when the air is more humid. You can increase humidity by misting the plant or placing it on a humidity tray.

  • Soil: Use a well-draining, lightweight potting mix that allows excess water to drain away easily.

Aesthetic Appeal: Hoya carnosa is highly prized for its elegant and shiny foliage, as well as its unique clusters of fragrant flowers. The flowers, which are typically star-shaped and often pink or white, grow in clusters and have a sweet scent that intensifies in the evening. The combination of glossy leaves and fragrant flowers makes Hoya carnosa an aesthetically pleasing and charming addition to any indoor plant collection.

Propagation: Hoya carnosa is relatively easy to propagate. You can propagate it from stem cuttings, either in water or directly in soil. Simply cut a healthy stem with at least one leaf and allow it to root. Once roots have formed, you can pot it into its own container.

In summary, Green Hoya carnosa is a delightful and low-maintenance houseplant known for its glossy leaves and fragrant flowers. Its unique beauty, ease of care, and suitability for various indoor settings make it a beloved choice among plant enthusiasts.

3-6 hrs of direct sunlight

Place your plant where it has direct access to sunlight. Direct light is when the plant receives yellow sunlight beams for at least 4 to 5 hours in a day.

Water when topsoil is dry. Don't over water.

Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
Water when the topsoil (1-2 inch) in pot feels dry to touch..
Apply water probably in the morning or evening time.
Do not overwater the plant.
As a rule of thumb, water the plant thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.

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