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Jade Crassula Ovata

Jade Crassula Ovata

Regular price Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 199.00 Sale price Rs. 149.00
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Jade Mini, scientifically known as Crassula ovata 'Minima' or Miniature Jade, is a small and compact variety of the common Jade plant (Crassula ovata). It is a popular succulent that is cherished for its tiny size and charming appearance.

The Jade Mini features small, rounded leaves that grow densely along its stems. The leaves are thick and fleshy, with a glossy texture. They are typically a vibrant green color, sometimes with reddish or bronze tinges around the edges. The plant maintains a compact and bushy growth habit, making it an ideal choice for small spaces, terrariums, or as part of succulent arrangements.

This variety of Jade plant is known for its slow growth rate and miniature size. It typically reaches a height of only 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) when fully mature. Despite its small stature, it retains the characteristic appearance and resilience of the Jade plant genus.

Jade Mini is relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced succulent enthusiasts. It thrives in bright, indirect sunlight but can also tolerate some direct sunlight. Place it near a sunny window or in a well-lit area to ensure it receives adequate light.

Watering should be done sparingly to avoid overwatering, as succulents are adapted to survive in arid conditions. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, and ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogged roots. During the winter months, when the plant enters a dormant period, reduce watering frequency.

Jade Mini prefers well-draining soil that allows excess moisture to escape. A succulent or cactus mix is suitable for this plant. These types of soil provide the necessary drainage while also retaining some moisture to support healthy growth.

Fertilizing requirements for Jade Mini are minimal. You can provide a balanced, diluted succulent fertilizer during the growing season, following the package instructions. Avoid excessive fertilization, as it can lead to overgrowth or damage to the plant.

Pruning needs for Jade Mini are minimal due to its naturally compact growth habit. However, you can trim back any leggy or overgrown branches to maintain its shape and promote bushier growth. Pruning can also be done to propagate new plants from stem cuttings.

Overall, Jade Mini is a delightful and charming succulent that brings beauty to any space. Its miniature size, dense foliage, and easy-care nature make it an excellent choice for small gardens, indoor displays, or as a gift for succulent enthusiasts.

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