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Panchagavya Miracle Organic Plant tonic - 1 litre

Panchagavya Miracle Organic Plant tonic - 1 litre

Regular price Rs. 249.00
Regular price Rs. 299.00 Sale price Rs. 249.00
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Miracle Organic Plant tonic popularly used in organic farming. It is considered to be an excellent source of 'natural carbon', 'biomass', 'Nitrogen', 'Phosphorous' 'Potassium' and lot of other micro nutrients required by plants.
Doses for application:

Miracle Organic Plant tonic is prepared from 5 products derived from cow. Its main ingredients are: cow dung, cow urine cow milk, curd, ghee, To increase efficacy water of tender coconut, coconut milk, bananas and sugarcane extract are added and processed using traditional methods. It improves the Nitrogen absorption of plants exponentially. Has excellent Bio Nutritional Properties which helps provide nutrition to plants in all growth stages. It also helps boost natural immunity of plants.

The Advantages of Using Panchagavya Miracle Organic Plant tonic

  • Increases and stimulates beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
  • Improves soil structure & helps to increase nutrient uptake
  • Helps plants cope with various stress, such as heat, drought and frost.
  • Promotes seed germination and reduces transplant shock.
  • Stimulates root development and promotes vigorous flowering and fruiting.
  • Suitable for Indoor/Outdoor Plants, flowers, Kitchen Garden, trees, lawns, etc.

Usage Instruction:

  • For Foliar / Drip Application or for Hydroponics which improves vegetative growth and improves quality of flowers, fruits . 10 to 12 ml / Litre of Water. Repeat every week.
  • Soil Drenching, which improves soil structure & texture. Recommended to use for all crops, Fruits, vegetables, flowers, Lawns, Terrance garden, Balcony Garden, Pots, Poly Grow bags. 10 to 12 ml / Litre of Water. Repeat every 7 days.
  • Application of Naturally Green Panchavya Miracle Organic Plant tonic  throughout the season improves desirable yields, root growth and early plant development, nutrient uptake and aid in stress resistance and recovery

Care Instructions

Indirect sunlight, water twice a week

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